Pregnancy Tests

Pregnancy tests can be categorized into 3 categories: urine test in doctor's office, at home pregnancy tests and blood tests. The urine test and the blood test in a doctor's office can detect approximately 7-10 days after conception. The home pregnancy tests usually detect about 14 days after conception (around time of period).

When Do I test for pregnancy?

Home pregnancy tests will usually detect pregnancy between the first day of your missed period to about a week after a missed period. However, some home pregnancy tests may be able to detect pregnancy 10 days after conception. If you do a test earlier than your period, be sure to retest if you get a negative result and have any signs of pregnancy. (The tests that may detect as early as 10 days are highlighted in pink in the chart below)

If you want to find out earlier than 14 days after conception and an early home pregnancy test resulted in a negative response, see your doctor about a blood or in office urine test. A blood test can detect pregnancy approximately 7 days after conception.

Some tests will tell you they can detect on the first day of a missed period and some will say a week after a missed period. Read on the box to find out more information.

Buying Pregnancy Tests and which is best:

There are many pregnancy tests available for the convenience and privacy of testing at home. The sensitivity of a pregnancy test depends on how much HCG can be detected. The lower the mIU/ML level of the pregnancy test, the earlier it can detect pregnancy.

Below is a chart listing pregnancy tests (most sensitive to least sensitive):

*The earliest detecting pregnancy tests are highlighted yellow and may give a positive result as early as 10 days after conception.

Pregnancy Test:

HCG Level detected (mIU/ML):



Confirm 1-step


Health Check


Lifesign One Step


One Step Be Sure




Clearblue Easy




Store Brands (like Rite-Aid)






First Response










What if you still feel pregnant even though the test says negative?

If you have taken, a pregnancy test and you feel pregnant although the test-said negative, you may need to wait a few more days and retest.

Note: Ectopic (tubal pregnancies) may give a negative result with home pregnancy tests. If you feel you are pregnant or have any signs of a tubal pregnancy, see your doctor.

Is there a chance I'm not pregnant even if the test says positive?

Usually home pregnancy tests are accurate if they read positive. It is when they read negative that they may not be correct. There are more false negatives than there are false positives. This is why it is recommended to retest if you get a negative result and feel you may be pregnant.

A home pregnancy test may also read a false positive if you wait to read the results after the time stated on the box. Some pregnancy tests recommend a maximum of a 7-minute wait time. If you wait longer than this with some pregnancy tests, you may see a negative result change to a false positive result.

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