Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPK)

Ovulation predictor kits can be purchased in your local drugstore. The cost is usually approx $15 for a 5 day test kit.

How do Ovulation Predictor Kits Work?

Depending on which ovulation predictor kit you buy, most of them will detect an LH surge 24 to 36 hours before ovulation occurs with a darker line than the sample line on the test stick.

A line that is lighter than the sample line indicates that you are not within 24 to 36 hours of ovulation.

How do I use the Ovulation Predictor Kits?

You will need to read the instructions on the box for details on how to use the specific type of ovulation predictor kit that you bought.

Generally, you urinate directly on the test stick and then wait about 5 minutes for the results. One line will be the test line (sample line to go by) and one line will indicate whether you are near ovulation. Most OPK's will detect within 24 to 36 hours of ovulation (LH surge).

The line will be either lighter or darker than the test line. If the line is lighter, you are not within 24 to 36 hours of ovulation and may need to retest in a couple of days. If the line is darker, you are ovulating, near ovulation or ovulation has already occurred.

How to increase your chances of pinpointing ovulation with ovulation predictor kits:

To increase your chances of conceiving while using the ovulation predictor kits, you should try to use other methods of finding your ovulation times along with the ovulation predictor kit. This way you will have two methods to rely on and it may reduce the costs of buying ovulation predictor kits.

Some of the other methods that you should try to use in conjunction with ovulation predictor kits are the CM (cervical mucus) methodtemperature method, and/or the Tes Tape method.

I recommend using the CM method along with ovulation predictor kits. I have found it difficult to use the temperature method and the tes tape method is a little more expensive now than when I used it.

Using the CM method along with Ovulation Predictor Kits:

You will first need to read the information on the CM Method. Then once you have become familiar with the CM method, you can use it in conjunction with an ovulation predictor kit.

When you begin to notice that your CM is getting clearer and somewhat stretchable, you should use one of the ovulation predictor tests. You should try to use the test before ovulation has occurred. This way when you test again, you can have some margin of days when ovulation may have occurred. Write down everything on your calendar about your CM and the OPK results. Most ovulation predictor kits will read a lighter line than the sample line that you go by when ovulation is not within 24 to 36 hours.

After your CM has became slippery, very stretchable, and resembles an egg-white, use another one of the ovulation predictor tests. This test should read a darker line than the sample line given on the test. This would indicate that you are ovulating now. You should plan to have unprotected intercourse at this time to increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

By testing before and after ovulation, you will know the range of days that you more than likely ovulated on.

Now, you have 3 tests left on your 5-day test kit rather than using an entire kit in a one month period of time. You can use these remaining tests during the next month of testing if you have not already become pregnant.

If the first test you took resulted in a darker line or showed an LH surge already, try to test earlier the next month. You want to try to find the earliest day possible that indicates NO LH surge or indicates ovulation is NOT within 24 to 36 hours.

If you are having problems conceiving, you may be ovulating earlier than you thought or later than you thought.

Once you have had an ovulation test read an LH surge, there is no need to test again during that month. The test will continue to read an LH surge until you begin your next period. Therefore, you would be wasting a test and money!

How is Tes Tape similar to Ovulation Predictor Kits?

Tes tape is a test that is made for diabetic testing of sugar in the urine. When the tes tape is used (vaginally) it will indicate the alkalinity or acidity of the vaginal secretions. When you are near ovulation, the tes tape will turn a darker color. The color will continue to reach its darkest hue when you are ovulating. Some will turn a dark green and others turn a dark blue. Just read on the box to find the color guide for the specific brand you bought. The first day that you see the darkest possible color is the day of ovulation. After you have ovulated, the tes tape will continue to show a dark color until your cycle has started all over again.

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