A Yeast infection is a vaginal infection that occurs due to overgrowth of bacteria. Yeast infections are more common with pregnant women than non-pregnant women due to increased hormone levels and they are more difficult to treat during pregnancy. Pregnant women may have more yeast infections during the third trimester.
Signs of a Yeast Infection:
- Itching
- Burning
- Thick, white discharge (may resemble cottage cheese)
- May have redness and/or pain at the opening of the vagina or on the labia.
What causes a yeast infection?
- Some antibiotics increase the chance for getting yeast infections.
- Women with diabetes have an increased risk of yeast infections
- Tight jeans, panty hose, underwear that are not made of cotton, and wet swimsuits.
- Douching
- Wiping from back to front after urinating or having a bowel movement.
How can I prevent yeast infections?
- Wear cotton underwear
- Eat yogurt and sour cream, and drink buttermilk
- Avoid too much sugar
- Dry the vaginal area thoroughly after taking a bath or swimming
- Avoid tight fitting clothes
- Wipe from front to back (away from vagina) after urinating or having a bowel movement
- Avoid douching
- Avoid sexual intercourse during the treatment of a yeast infection
Is a yeast infection dangerous during pregnancy?
The yeast infection itself does not present any danger to the baby during pregnancy. If you have a yeast infection during the time of labor, the baby may get thrush. Thrush is a mouth infection and is often treated with nystatin in newborns.
Treatment for a Yeast Infection during Pregnancy:
Always consult your doctor if you have a yeast infection. It is best to try and avoid a yeast infection rather than get the yeast infection and then treat it.
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