Body Changes - Month by Month

First Trimester

Month 2
At about this time you might notice that you are having frequent mood swings. Your breasts are getting fuller and may start to feel sore. The area around your nipples is darkening. You may also notice a thicker, whiter and stickier vaginal discharge. You may also start having to go bathroom more often.

Things to do during this month: Drink plenty of water, eat a variety of healthy foods, avoid drugs, caffeine, smoking and alcohol throughout your pregnancy.

Month 3
You may start feeling somewhat tired. Nausea and vomiting may continue but with less frequency and for shorter periods of time. You may have gained 3-4 pounds. You might experience occasional headaches and dizziness. You may also notice an increase in vaginal discharge. Hormones can make you feel happy one minute and sad the next.

Things to do during this month: Keep weight gain slow and steady, and take your vitamins.

Second Trimester

Month 4
You might start being hungry more often and having more food cravings. You may feel warmer and perspire more during the rest of your pregnancy. You may start experiencing heartburn or intestinal gas. You may have gained 6-8 pounds. Some mothers feel their baby move at about 4 months. Having a baby may start to seem more "real." You may start to "Look Pregnant."

Month 5
Your breast veins may begin to show as your breasts continue to grow and prepare for breastfeeding. You may have gained 9-12 pounds. You might begin to feel constipated. You will begin to feel fluttering as your baby moves.

Things to do during this month: Think about baby names and make a list with your family or the baby's father, take a break, begin to arrange for child care even if you do not plan to return to work or school.

Month 6
You may have gained 12-16 pounds. A thick yellowish fluid (colostrum) may leak from your breasts. You may experience increased heartburn from spicy or rich foods. Morning sickness is usually gone. The urge to urinate more often is less intense now. You can really feel your baby moving. You may feel fewer or milder mood swings. Also, you may begin to feel tired of being pregnant.

Things to do during this month: Learn more about what happens during labor. Understanding can make it a little easier, and the more you know, the more prepared you'll be.

Third Trimester

Month 7
You may have gained 15-20 pounds. You may get hemorrhoids. You will feel more baby movement.

Things to do during this month: Find a doctor (Pediatrician) for your baby who best meets your needs by asking about:
  1. Clinic or office hours
  2. Where services are provided
  3. Billing and payment expectations
  4. Telephone times for minor problems
  5. How to deal with after-hour emergencies
Month 8
You may have gained about 18-24 pounds. You may experience difficulty sitting, standing, or lying for long periods of time. You may experience lower back pain and discomfort. You may notice red strech marks on your stomach and hips.

Month 9
You may have gained 25-35 pounds. You may tire easily and often feel sleepy. You may experience headaches and constipation. Your breasts increase in size and increase in fluid leakage. You may have leg cramps and backaches. You may feel grumpy and uncomfortable. You may feel that your baby has "dropped" farther down in your abdomen.

Things to do during this month: Ask baby's dad or a family member to be with you during delivery. Think about what you'd like to bring with you to the hospital, such as a tape player with your favorite music, your nightgown, warm socks, snacks, and an outfit for the baby.

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