Most women go into pregnancy hoping that they will have a baby vaginally, but this is not always possible. There are many reasons why a c-section (cesarean) may be needed.
Possible reasons for a c-section:
- The baby is too big to be delivered vaginally (or pelvic bones not wide enough).
- After being induced, labor does not progress after 6-8 hours.
- Carrying multiple fetuses and only one is positioned head down.
- Cervix will not dilate or you dilate a certain amount and then stop.
- Breech Presentations (baby is feet down)
- Shoulder Dystocia (shoulder is settled in pelvic region)
Types of Incisions:
There are two types of incisions made during a cesarean. These are the bikini cut (hip to hip cut) and the granny cut (pubic bone to belly button cut).

Is it possible to have a baby vaginally after having a c-section (VBAC)?
Yes it is possible to have a baby vaginally after having a c-section. Some women want to be given the chance to have a baby vaginally. Others elect to have another c-section. The doctor usually allows a person who has had a c-section to schedule the birth of their baby (within the period of their due date). This not only eases the mind about pain during childbirth, but also allows you to prepare for the big day and give you some control over the birthday of your baby.
VBAC is possible with both the granny cut and bikini cut. The granny cut however cuts into the muscles responsible for pushing during labor. Therefore, the bikini cut has greater chances for VBAC.
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