The tes tape method is used to avoid or achieve pregnancy by testing the alkalinity or acidity of the CM (cervical mucus/discharge).
What is Tes Tape?
Tes tape is actually used for testing sugar (glucose) in the urine. Diabetics use these tape like dispenser strips as a way to monitor their diabetes.
The tes tape will usually be in a small tape like dispenser, but without the whole in the middle, and will say glucose testing strips. If you have problems locating the dispenser, ask the pharmacist where the glucose testing strips are.
The cost of tes tape should be around $3 to $5 dollars and will be more than you need.
How do you use the tes tape?
To use the tes tape for checking the alkalinity and acidity of the CM, tear off about a 3 inch strip. Fold the tes tape over your index finger longways. The tes tape will be resting on top of your index finger and on the bottom of your index finger and will cover your fingernail. Hold the tape against your finger with your thumb and middle fingers. Then enter the vagina while releasing your thumb and index finger from holding the tes tape in place.
You should try to touch the tip of the cervix as quickly as possible as to avoid secretions that may give a wrong reading from the vaginal walls. When you reach the cervix, hold the tes tape in place for about 10 seconds. Then quickly draw the tes tape back out and allow the tes tape to dry.
After the tes tape has dried (about 5 minutes or less), read the results.
Results of the Tes Tape:
As you approach ovulation, the tes tape will change to a darker color. Generally, it changes to a darker green, but it may change to blue depending on the tes tape you buy.
On the dispenser, it will have a color chart from lighter shades to darker shades. Whichever color (darkest) the dispenser displays, will be the color you need to watch for to predict ovulation.
When to use the tes tape:
Use the tes tape in conjunction with other methods of trying to conceive. When the other methods (CM method, temperature method, ovulation predictor kits, and rhythm method) indicate you are approaching ovulation, begin using the tes tape.
For example, if your CM was beginning to get clearer and more stretchable, begin using the tes tape to back up what the other methods are telling you about your ovulation phase.
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