Pregnancy - Month One

Many women do not know they are pregnant until about a month and a half after conception. Therefore, you may not get to experience this portion of the pregnancy, but if you are trying to conceive, you will know what to look for.

Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy:

  • Missed Period
  • Nausea (does not have to be morning or actually throwing up)
  • Tender Breasts (this is sometimes one of the first signs, can be a few days after conception). Note: If you already have tender breast during your cycle, you may notice a longer than usual pain. Get Tested!
  • Frequent Urination (this usually occurs about 6 weeks after conception)

What to Expect This Month:

During this month, you may notice the following things happening to your body:

  1. You may feel sleepy or tired. Try to get more rest so that your body can concentrate on getting the uterus ready to carry a fetus full-term. If you work or stay very busy, consider cutting back on your schedule until your second trimester (4-6th month). Make sure you are taking your prenatal vitamin and eating right.

  3. You may be urinating more. This usually begins 6 weeks after conception. The uterus usually has not grown enough to affect the bladder yet. Women who are underweight or small may begin urinating more about 3 weeks after conception.

  5. You may crave or dislike certain foods. Some women do experience this very early in the first trimester, but most will experience this around the end of the first trimester (3rd month).

  7. You may have symptoms like premenstrual syndrome. You may feel depressed, irritable, moody, sad, or bouncing between any and all of these. Remember your body is going through a lot of hormonal changes.

  9. Morning Sickness (or any other time). Usually women will begin to experience this around 2 to 8 weeks after conception. A diet that is high in protein and/or carbohydrates can help. High protein foods are foods such as: nuts, whole-grain products, yogurt, hard-boiled eggs, and soy burgers. Carbohydrate food sources are things such as: baked potatoes, whole-grain (wheat) bread, rice, dried beans and peas, and vegetables. You should also drinks lots of fluid to replace the fluids lost by vomiting.

What if I do not feel any symptoms of pregnancy?

It is perfectly normal not to have any symptoms whatsoever during the first month. Except for the fact you have missed your period nothing may be going on that you can notice. However, inside your body there are many changes occurring. What are these changes?

Physical changes occurring:

  • The uterine walls are still becoming thicker and spongier to sustain pregnancy.
  • Your hormonal levels are increasing to keep the uterus ready for pregnancy. If you did not have an increase in hormones, you would not be able to remain pregnant. So look at all of those negative emotional and physical problems (moodiness/nausea) as a plus. At least you are pregnant!

Development of the Embryo:

By the end of the first month, the embryo is actually only 2 weeks in gestational age. It is approximately 1/4 to 1/2 an inch long and weighs less than 1 ounce. All of the organs are present, but will continue to develop.

The embryo has a head, trunk, beginnings of limbs (buds), and the heart forms and begins to beat on the 18thday.

Pregnancy 6-7 Weeks Fetus
6-7 week old embryo

Pregnancy - 7 Weeks Fetus
 7 week old embryo

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